6/1/2020: We recently acquired a new domain, techelper.io. That domain will become our main domain in a couple of months, but to make the transition easier for everyone, we will move to the new domain in phases.

6/20/2020: We are moving to phase two of our switch.

7/01/2020: We are moving to phase three of our switch.

7/25/2020: We are moving to phase four of our switch. All URLs linking to the old website will automatically be redirected to it’s counterpart on the new website.

Phase 1

The first phase will be an exact replica (an iFrame) of the techelper.cf website on the new website.

Phase 2

The second phase will start displaying a small alert on the old techelper.cf website of our upcoming change.

Phase 3

The third phase will involve a prompt for users to start visiting the new website and update any bookmarks.

Phase 4

The fourth phase will start redirecting all URLs to the new website.